We welcome you to our
Sunday School Ministry
A Word from Superintendent
Lawerence WebB JR.

We are grateful that you have chosen Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church Sunday School Ministry to enhance your learning experience. It is our earnest hope that our Sunday School classes will answer many of the questions that often arise in your everyday living. Moreover, it is our prayer that you will be encouraged to strengthen your relationship and your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
~Deacon Lawrence Webb, Jr. and Staff
A Word from Dr. M. Keith McDaniel
Pastor and Teacher

We at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church are committed to making disciples. A disciple is an individual that is saved and dedicated to living a life modeled by Christ. Our Christian Education department is committed to biblical and Christ centered instruction. We strive to lay a solid foundation through engagement and study that will help you confidently live what you believe. Our Christian Education department is ready and equipped with appropriate lessons and tools to support you as you reach your full potential in the Kingdom of God.
There is so much to discover. In Sunday School children learn that Church is fun and that it is a safe place to develop meaningful relationships, teens are encouraged to grow in the likeness of Christ and adults can explore and express their spiritual gifts as they seek to better understand and serve God.
There is always something new to learn. Christian education builds character, it invites theological insight and gives one the opportunity to explore their spiritual gifts. It does not matter how many times you read the scriptures, there is always a fresh revelation just around the corner. We are excited to relaunch our Christian Education ministry. We are the ministry that changes lives. Join us as we study the word of God together.
Meet our Educators!
Sunday school is an essential aspect of a healthy church and is necessary for church growth and fulilling The Great Commission.
"You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
Please join us for Sunday School at 8:50 AM

If you missed Sunday school this week, be sure to catch up with the lessons At-A-Glance Below!
“The Mind of Christ”
by T.W. Hunt and Claude V. King
“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus” (Romans 2 verse 5)
The study guide: The Mind of Christ, by T. W. Hunt and Claude V. King, is a study of Philippians 2:5-11, which highlights the characteristics of Christ and challenges all Christians face to live “Christ-like”.
Book $10.00 (defray the cost of the book) Please contact Deaconess Brenay McNeil-Webb to purchase your book. She can be emailed at brenaywebb@gmail.com
As we will learn, “Developing the mind of Christ” is a lifelong journey and not a sprint.